News & facts2024-11-19T17:15:14+01:00


The 52. BELMOT-Oldtimer-Grand-Prix 2025

Three days of classic motorsport fascination.

The program of the 52. BELMOT-Oldtimer-Grand-Prix 2025 will once again present essential and interesting historic racing series, offering two races for most series in addition to practice runs. The diversity of the racing series is typical of this traditional German classic racing event with international participation.

The Historic Grand Prix Car Association (HGPCA) from Great Britain opens the round of monoposti, with the F-1 and F-2 cars, the Grand Prix ́s of the 1930s to 1960s in thrilling races, the FHR with its sports cars and GT ́s through to the DRM and DTM cars of the 1990s and 2000s. Not to forget, of course, the pre-war racers of the Vintage Sports Car Trophy in the old paddock. As expected, the highlight will once again be the evening race on Saturday with two-seater sportscars and GT up to 1965, flanked by magnificent fireworks to coincide with the finish. Many wellknown drivers and teams present themselves with their team tents and are happy to sign autographs for the fans. As usual, the brand clubs are at home in the paddock and parking lots.


The program

Typical BELMOT-Oldtimer-Grand-Prix: At the 52nd edition, too, visitors can look forward to a weekend that offers all the fascination of historic racing cars. Well over 20 races and regularity tests, training sessions for the individual racing classes and demo drives are on the program.




Start lists



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